Saya sayang awak!

Sometimes it was tough, But I persevered, Sometimes it was difficult, But I was patient, I tried to do my best, And god handled the rest, You were always special to me, The one I must conquer, The one I most love, The one I most hate, But in the end, my love for you diminished the hatred, Thank you Additional Mathematics, You made my life much more challenging, Thus made me appreciate life. I love Addmaths ! Mak aii, romantis betul kan aku ! haha. Tengoklah, betapa dalamnya cinta aku kepada Addmaths ni, sampai sanggup buat pantun tau untuk dia. Bukan semua orang dapat pantun ni. " elehh, ye ye ooo je Irfan tu buat pantun untuk addmaths, mesti tak ikhlas " Ahh tak ikhlas? Tolong sikit, aku buat seikhlas as ikhlas can be tahu! Walaupun nampak macam jiwang dan jambu, tetapi itulah realitinya. Addmaths ni macam gula-gula fisherman's friend. Mula-mula makan, rasa berangin je. Macam susah nak terima ! Tetapi lama-kelamaan, dia menjadi manis dan seronok :) Walaupun ...