
Showing posts from February, 2016

Neko Atsume

22/02/16 3.20 a.m. I miss cats. I have loads of them back at home. Cats are awesome. When you rub their back and they purr, it makes your heart purr as well. When they do silly things like ask you for food and you have to literally wave the food right in front of their eyes for them to notice. Or how they clumsily knock down the vase in your house. Or how they love to sit on your laptop and won't move. Or how they sit on your books when you're trying to study. Or how they sit on anything. They are effortlessly CUTE! You don't see many cats in Ireland. No strays. You see people walking dogs everywhere but no cats in sight. Well that's probably because walking and cats don't really fit in the same sentence. But I sorely do miss cats. You can see cats everywhere in Malaysia. A haven of cats. But if you do see a cat in Ireland, they are the cutest of living things! So fluffy and so fat! I miss cats. The kitten I found at Anjung, Yaya I've been thinki...

Nasi Goreng

05/02/16 2.22 p.m. Nanti aku dah ada anak, kalau dia mintak duit dekat aku, kau sabar jap lah. "ABAH DULU! Masa takde duit dekat Ireland tu, abah bangun pagi buat nasi goreng, jual. takde mintak mintak ni" Yes, itu lah yang aku nak kata dekat anak aku nanti. Padan muka dia. Tapi sejujurnya, salah aku jugak. Tak rancang perbelanjaan aku betul betul. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail, and hey did I fail. But no worries, failure teaches you to be a better person, to learn from your mistakes, to make better decisions. And if I find myself in the same situation in the future, it's not a mistake. It's a choice. I have dug my grave, now I have to lie in it. It's not that bad actually, it keeps me alert and active. Sekarang takde masa dah nak bukak mata pukul 8 pagi, lepastu merungut tidur balik sebab nak sambung mimpi. Now as soon as the alarm rings I have to get up and start cooking (after solat of course) then rush to class. No more snooze button. I...