
Bitcoin vs Crypto

Hello, in my last blog post I said I'd be writing more right, so here I am... a month later. I guess that's still improvement right? We keep on churning! When I first decided to start investing in crypto, of course my first topic of study was Bitcoin. It's the most popular cryptocurrency out there. Bitcoin was also the first coin that I bought, but soon one type of coin became three as I added Ethereum and Cardano into my portfolio (a moment of silence to fellow $ada hodlers).  As I dived more and more into crypto, I learnt about the differences between proof of work and proof of stake and how supposedly PoS is more environmentally friendly than PoW. All these claims got to me and I figured that all these cryptocurrencies could serve side by side as money alongside Bitcoin as there are many different type of fiat currencies such as the Dollar, Ringgit Malaysia, Euro etc.  Twitter is one of my favorite mediums to learn as there are many bright minds and established figures i...

Discovering Bitcoin, 2021

Hello everyone, happy new year! 2022 will be an amazing year for everyone in sha Allah, the year we rebuild and try to move on from the haunting clutches of Covid-19 from the past 2 years. It's been a while since I blogged and I figured what better way to start my long lost hobby than a new year, a new fresh start.  As everyone following me on twitter would know, 2021 has been a transformative year for me. 2020 was the year I finally graduated medicine, after 7 years of relentlessly chasing a goal. Throughout those 7 years, every night I imagined myself holding that scroll and wearing that pointed hat to say 'I finally have those 2 sacred letters in front of my name. Dr. Irfan.' Alas, the tiring pursuit of chasing those initials got to me deeply and at the end of the journey, all I could think of was having a simple life without the burden of the unselfish life of a doctor. 2021 for me was about going on a journey, to rediscover my love for life. I did everything available ...

Beza sistem kewangan Fiat vs Bitcoin

  Kelmarin kita dikejutkan dengan berita Security Commisions Malaysia akan mengharamkan Binance di negara ini. Perkara ini membuat ramai penggemar kripto mengamuk, sebab Binance merupakan exchange yang paling accessible di Malaysia. Tetapi kenapa Binance begitu popular? Kenapa asset kripto menjadi gilaan ramai sekarang? Apa beza matawang kripto dan wang kertas seperti Ringgit Malaysia? Ianya semua bermula dari Bitcoin. Pada era digitalisasi ini, kemaraan matawang kripto semakin merancak apabila harga Bitcoin mencanak sehingga 60K USD pada Mei yang lalu sebelum jatuh 50% dan kini semakin pulih. Bitcoin merupakan aset digital yang baru diperkenalkan pada tahun 2009 selepas 2008 housing market crash di Amerika yang menyebabkan krisis kewangan dunia. Di dalam kewangan tradisional, wang kita disimpan di dalam bank. Wang tersebut dibawah fractional reserve banking system akan diberi kepada orang lain sebagai hutang. Bank juga akan menggunakan wang kita untuk melabur pada asset2 lain un...

A Malaysian Utopia

The year is 2032. It is the 10th anniversary of the end of Covid-19. Yes ladies and gentlemen, we actually got through the pandemic. What happened? Well the whole world finally managed to gain herd immunity by taking the vaccine, and like the Spanish flu, measles and polio. The virus just disappeared. The people were perplexed. What the scientists said was true all along! The vaccines did work! Don't get me wrong, many of those who declined the vaccine died, but I guess that's just natural selection at work. There were no more antivax. We still don't know what caused the disease, whether it was spread naturally as the scientist claimed from bats to people. Or if it was a man-made virus, one that was dabbled in to get ahead of the curve in the medical world but was accidentally released as the biggest fuck up of the century. Or if it was all a grand scheme by the hidden powers that control the countries in chase of global domination. We still don't know. What we know for...

PM Cirit Menggegar Negara

Pada 30 Jun 2021, Pejabat Perdana Menteri telah menggegarkan negara dengan mengumumkan bahawa PM pintu belakang, TS Mahiaddin/ Muhyiddin Yassin atau lebih mesra dikenali sebagai Abah Kau sedang mengalami masalah dengan 'Pintu Belakang' beliau. Hal ini mengejutkan seluruh rakyat Malaysia yang risau mendengar perkara tersebut. Ramai mendoakan PM 'kembali' tetapi kembali ke mana ramai tak pasti.  Setelah berita mengenai pergolakan yang berlaku di dalam sistem pencernaan PM kita yang ke-8 tersebar ke seluruh dunia, keluar pula berita bahawa PM sepatutnya pergi menghadap YDPA Sultan bagi berbincang mengenai pembukaan semula Parlimen yang sebelum ini dikatakan segera. Namun, benda lain pula yang terbuka dengan segera sehingga Bapa Perutusan terpaksa dimasukkan ke dalam Hospital bagi menyelamatkan maruah beliau. Ramai netizen membuat andaian bahawa PM sebenarnya TIDAK CIRIT! Tetapi hanya menggunakan alasan tersebut untuk tidak berjumpa dengan Sultan. Adakah perkara ini benar? ...

5 years is such a long time...

5 years. That's how long it takes to get a medical degree in Malaysia. That doesn't even include the one or two years of foundation in which you have to struggle, so that you could struggle again for another 5 years. Do you know what kind of things could happen in 5 years Morty?? If I had gotten married 5 years ago, I could have had a kid, or two by now. Or, I could have gotten married, then realise that the marriage life is not the life for me and I could have gotten a divorce. Then, I could have gone through a cathartic moment in which I realised that life is not worth living alone and I should find a partner to share my joys and my lows- in which case I would have found another person that understands my emotional baggage and I would remarry again. Crazy right? All that could have happened in 5 years. Alas this is not fiction, this is life. And life is a thousand times infinity weirder than fiction. I was a bright eyed young boy when I started this journey, excited to face...

Medical Student Problems

"Boy, tell me what are the complications of PPROM" I looked up from my notepad. I've been burying my face in it, scribbling furiously what the specialist has been vomiting out for the past half an hour. Well, not just that. I've been trying to make myself invisible from the Dr's hawk eyes, like a rat scurrying into cover from the majestic bird. She was looking directly at me, her sharp glare tearing into my soul. I froze. Oh faeces, she's talking to me. The whole obs and gynae rotation flashed behind my eyes, like how a dying person experience seeing all the good and the bad that they've done throughout their lifetime. I remembered how I was nodding off to sleep as my group mate was presenting his case, a fine bed-time story if were to tell you. It wasn't my fault, I've always been a sleepy head. Heck, I could fall asleep standing up. I'd be resting my eyes and the next thing I know it's 10 minutes later! In my mind was chaos, I knew I ...