Post psychiatry thoughts: Depression
I'm depressed
is something a everyone says once in a while. Bila sedih putus cinta depressed. Bila m.u kalah lawan wolves depressed. Bila terpaksa repeat paper final sebab dulu kau depressed pun buat kau depressed. Belum sebut lagi pasal yang gunakan depression untuk gain attention or sympathy from people. It feels easy to say that you're depressed when you're feeling low and sad, but do people actually realize what is depression? Is it just something that people would say to gain attention? Or is it actually an illness that causes one to lose the ability to complete one simple task: to live?
Depression doesn't happen overnight. Dia tak macam sakit demam, harini elok sihat esok demam, kau tak boleh marah 'eh tapi semalam aku sihat je!' sebab, demam tu memang boleh berlaku bila-bila la hanat! So depression is actually feeling low for an extended period of time (>2 weeks) including symptoms such as loss of interest, loss of concentration and pessimistic views of the future. Maksudnya dia akan rasa sangat sedih sehingga nak buat apa-apa aktiviti pun dia malas. Kalau buat kerja, study lagilah, susah sangat untuk orang depressed ni fokus dan akan juga jadi kerap lupa. Selain itu, pesakit kemurungan ni tidur pun akan terganggu, makan pula tak berselera. Tapi ada juga yang makin berselera makan ketika depressed! Maka mereka pun selalu akan hilang berat badan tanpa sengaja, dan lebih suka duduk di rumah berbanding keluar berlibur atau melakukan kerja. Bahayanya depression ni pun tak boleh dilupakan, sebab orang depressed ni akan sentiasa fikir untuk ambil sendiri nyawa mereka, sebab mereka sudah tidak boleh tahan dengan kehidupan. It's an unimaginable thought :(
The worst thing about depression is that these people fight through it every single day, being in constant pain. They are ultimately sad and has no hope for the future.They think of taking their lives constantly, and they will see themself as a nuisance to others. Everyone will tell them to cheer up, but no matter what they do all they can think of is sadness. And all this happens not because they are weak people. Bukan sebab dia tu tak cukup sembahyang. Bukan sebab dia tu tak rajin bersukan. Tapi semua ni berlaku hanya sebab bahan kimia dekat otak tidak seperti biasa. So kau cakaplah apa dekat dia, kau marah dia, kau suruh dia happy, dia takkan happy sebab dia sakit! Kenapa benda tu berlaku? Hanya Allah sahaja yang tahu sebab ada banyak faktor seperti genetik dan sejarah trauma yang boleh menyebabkan seseorang mengalami kemurungan ataupun depression.
So if depression is an illness does that mean there is a treatment? Yes! There is! Antara rawatan untuk depression adalah ubat anti-depressants yang akan memperbetulkan kandungan kimia di otak. Ubat anti-depressant perlu diambil sekurang-kurangnya selama 6 bulan dan kesan akan direkodkan. Tak boleh stop!!! Kalau stop boleh depressed balik sebab perlu masa untuk memperbetulkan balance kimia di otak. Selain itu, ada juga rawatan pelbagai jenis terapi terutamanya terapi di mana psikologis ataupun psikiatris akan bantu mereka cara untuk megatasi sesuatu situasi dengan positif (cognitive behavioural therapy). Kedua-dua rawatan ini telah terbukti untuk bantu merawat depression. On top of that, family support and other social supports are important to help one through depression. Depressed people must undergo treatment if they feel that they are unable to pick themselves up so that they are able to live a happy life with hopes and dreams!
If before I used criticize people who has harmed themself or even sadly, commited suicide, now i know that I could never have understood the pain that they are going through. Be nice, because you never know your kindness could help a person to keep on believing that there is a reason to live.
As a final thought, i feel that people are using the word depression too liberally, especially in social media where people are using it as a tool to gain sympathy, to be a victim and especially terribly, to gain popularity. This somehow undermines the struggles of those who are really depressed, whom are surviving each day with no hope for the future. If so, these people may have borderline personality disorder, which is alas, a topic for another day.
6 weeks of psychiatry was good. Shoutout RUMC doctors.
is something a everyone says once in a while. Bila sedih putus cinta depressed. Bila m.u kalah lawan wolves depressed. Bila terpaksa repeat paper final sebab dulu kau depressed pun buat kau depressed. Belum sebut lagi pasal yang gunakan depression untuk gain attention or sympathy from people. It feels easy to say that you're depressed when you're feeling low and sad, but do people actually realize what is depression? Is it just something that people would say to gain attention? Or is it actually an illness that causes one to lose the ability to complete one simple task: to live?
Depression doesn't happen overnight. Dia tak macam sakit demam, harini elok sihat esok demam, kau tak boleh marah 'eh tapi semalam aku sihat je!' sebab, demam tu memang boleh berlaku bila-bila la hanat! So depression is actually feeling low for an extended period of time (>2 weeks) including symptoms such as loss of interest, loss of concentration and pessimistic views of the future. Maksudnya dia akan rasa sangat sedih sehingga nak buat apa-apa aktiviti pun dia malas. Kalau buat kerja, study lagilah, susah sangat untuk orang depressed ni fokus dan akan juga jadi kerap lupa. Selain itu, pesakit kemurungan ni tidur pun akan terganggu, makan pula tak berselera. Tapi ada juga yang makin berselera makan ketika depressed! Maka mereka pun selalu akan hilang berat badan tanpa sengaja, dan lebih suka duduk di rumah berbanding keluar berlibur atau melakukan kerja. Bahayanya depression ni pun tak boleh dilupakan, sebab orang depressed ni akan sentiasa fikir untuk ambil sendiri nyawa mereka, sebab mereka sudah tidak boleh tahan dengan kehidupan. It's an unimaginable thought :(
The worst thing about depression is that these people fight through it every single day, being in constant pain. They are ultimately sad and has no hope for the future.They think of taking their lives constantly, and they will see themself as a nuisance to others. Everyone will tell them to cheer up, but no matter what they do all they can think of is sadness. And all this happens not because they are weak people. Bukan sebab dia tu tak cukup sembahyang. Bukan sebab dia tu tak rajin bersukan. Tapi semua ni berlaku hanya sebab bahan kimia dekat otak tidak seperti biasa. So kau cakaplah apa dekat dia, kau marah dia, kau suruh dia happy, dia takkan happy sebab dia sakit! Kenapa benda tu berlaku? Hanya Allah sahaja yang tahu sebab ada banyak faktor seperti genetik dan sejarah trauma yang boleh menyebabkan seseorang mengalami kemurungan ataupun depression.
So if depression is an illness does that mean there is a treatment? Yes! There is! Antara rawatan untuk depression adalah ubat anti-depressants yang akan memperbetulkan kandungan kimia di otak. Ubat anti-depressant perlu diambil sekurang-kurangnya selama 6 bulan dan kesan akan direkodkan. Tak boleh stop!!! Kalau stop boleh depressed balik sebab perlu masa untuk memperbetulkan balance kimia di otak. Selain itu, ada juga rawatan pelbagai jenis terapi terutamanya terapi di mana psikologis ataupun psikiatris akan bantu mereka cara untuk megatasi sesuatu situasi dengan positif (cognitive behavioural therapy). Kedua-dua rawatan ini telah terbukti untuk bantu merawat depression. On top of that, family support and other social supports are important to help one through depression. Depressed people must undergo treatment if they feel that they are unable to pick themselves up so that they are able to live a happy life with hopes and dreams!
If before I used criticize people who has harmed themself or even sadly, commited suicide, now i know that I could never have understood the pain that they are going through. Be nice, because you never know your kindness could help a person to keep on believing that there is a reason to live.
As a final thought, i feel that people are using the word depression too liberally, especially in social media where people are using it as a tool to gain sympathy, to be a victim and especially terribly, to gain popularity. This somehow undermines the struggles of those who are really depressed, whom are surviving each day with no hope for the future. If so, these people may have borderline personality disorder, which is alas, a topic for another day.
6 weeks of psychiatry was good. Shoutout RUMC doctors.
Saya suka saya suka! Abang tolong lah jangan berhenti menulis!!!